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Over three decades of experience

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Analysis of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Using GC-ICP-MS

Part 1 of a 3-part Agilent Webinar Series featuring Consolidated Sciences and Blake McElmurry, PhD. More
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GC-ICP-MS: Strategies and Techniques Using ICP-MS as a Gas Chromatographic Detector

Part 2 of a 3-part Agilent Webinar Series featuring Consolidated Sciences and Bill Geiger. More
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Analysis of Electronic and Specialty Gases using GC-ICP-MS

Part 3 of a 3-part Agilent Webinar Series featuring Consolidated Sciences and Jesus Anguiano. More

About Us

Senior Staff & Officers

William Geiger

Senior Partner
Bill Geiger

Bill founded Consolidated Sciences way back in 1988. Since then he’s literally written the book on Trace Analysis of Specialty and Electronics Gases.


Blake McElmurry, PhD

Senior Scientist
Blake McElmurry

Blake joined Consolidated Sciences in November of 2014 to develop methods of analysis for pure and mixed gas types using ICP-QQQ, ICP-MS, GC-MS, and FTIR. He also designs software to enhance automated FTIR quantitation and sample introduction.


Jesus Anguiano

Senior Scientist
Jesus Anguiano

Jesus can usually be seen presenting state-of-the-art research at conferences such as PITTCON and the Gulf Coast Conference. In addition, he co-authored "Appendix A: Materials of Construction" in Trace Analysis of Specialty and Electronics Gases.


Recent Publications


Geiger, Bill, & Anguiano, Jesus. (2022, March). Analysis of Electronic and Special Gases Using GC-ICP-MS [Webinar]. Agilent Webinar Series: I wish I knew about that sooner!


Geiger, Bill. (2022, March). GC/ICP-MS: Strategies And Techniques Using ICP-MS As A Gas Chromatographic Detector [Webinar]. Agilent Webinar Series: I wish I knew about that sooner!


McElmurry, Blake, & Geiger, Bill. (2022, February). Analysis of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Using GC-ICP-MS [Webinar]. Agilent Webinar Series: I wish I knew about that sooner!


Geiger, William M., McElmurry, B., Anguiano, J., & Kelinske, M. (2022, January). Strategies in Tuning for Gas Phase Metalloids as Analytes in GC-ICPMS. Poster presented at the 47th Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. Tucson, AZ.


Geiger, William M., Anguiano, Jesus, & McElmurry, Blake. (2021, October). Analysis of Ethylene and Acetylene Impurities Using A Single Column Set and GC-ICP QQQ ORS. Poster presented at the Gulf Coast Conference. Galveston, TX.
